For all you horny folks craving the rawest, most uncut shit on the web, check out these top porn blogs in 2024 that are guaranteed to serve up everything from backyard bangs to midnight orgies. Whether it's power-pounding tales or sneaky quickie clips hiding behind those steamy submissions, each blog is dripped out thicker than a snicker and juicier than a double cheeseburger. First up, we've got "Screwed Raw." Nothing but real raw dog action here. If you like your sex served straight no chaser – all natural, no fake moans – this is where it’s at. They bring those amateur hotties right next door – from college dorm bone-downs to the dirty adventures of frisky housewives getting their secret dose mid-day. Don’t sleep on “Nightcrawler Nasties,” my friends. This one’s for all you night owls seeking thrills in the shadows. From alleyway amateurs to neon-lit nightclub hookups, each post brings a fresh twist on why “nothing good happens after midnight” is a damn lie. Then there’s “Fantasy Factory,” pushing beyond vanilla and spinning into kinks that'll tickle every part of your brain (and body). Whether it’s role-playing gone rights or bondage setups you didn’t think were possible without an engineering degree; they’re decked out with all sorts of scenarios. And for pure stamina champions only: "Marathon Maniacs." Long-lasting scenes are their game. None of that two-minute nonsense; we're talking sweaty sessions that go longer than your lunch break. Grab some hydration ‘cause these extended plays will have you parched. Each blog is tuned into what makes your gears grind and juices flow. Expect no apologies here for probing deep into fantasies cranked up in every color, flavor and cries louder than last call at your favorite bar on Saturday night. With whispered stories narrated by those who lived them and shout-outs from fans ready to chart their own exploits - these blogs aren't just cameras rolling; they’re cultivators of community and chaos between the sheets! Kick back or lean forward, but get ready either way because whether it's sultry text play interlaced with enough detail to paint your palms or heart-racing visuals swinging from tops of shower rods: this list has pulled the hottest corners of 2024 right onto your damn screen! Enjoy responsibly—or not—no judgment here!